Power Projection: Fleet

Power Projection: Fleet
- Traveller space combat based on the classic Full Thrust Engine
- Works with the Traveller miniatures we sell!
- Large fleet actions with full Traveller flavour!
The Traveller universe has thrilled RPG and science fiction fans since the dawn of the hobby. The Full Thrust miniatures rules, sadly out of print, have been adapted for the Traveller universe in this product by British Isles Traveller Support (BITS). In addition to being one of the handful of Traveller space combat games currently available, it's one of the last places to get a hard copy of the Full Thrust rules as well.
Come defend the frontiers of the Third Imperium during the Fifth Frontier War, as the Zhodani Consulate cross the border for reasons unfathomable to Imperial Intelligence! Come play...Power Projection: Fleet!
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