Preorders — Ad Astra Games


We run pre-orders for our upcoming products; these help cover the costs of printing and die cutting countersheets, and printing folio and box sleeve covers.

Our best estimates for release dates are on the product pages. PDF sales will be enabled when the product is printing on our internal Print on Demand facilities!

Newton's Cradle


When the Tharsis Combine threw asteroids through Earth’s orbital infrastructure, they intended it to be a warning shot. Instead, they triggered a Kessler Cascade, creating a cloud of space debris that made space travel from Earth’s surface impossible.

The Combine wanted to take a larger role in the Outer System’s commerce.

Instead, they sparked the Lunar mass migration, a political mess with the two other Martian governments, and a multi-party scrabble for survival ranging from Ceres to Saturn’s moons.

NEWTON’S CRADLE is a hard science fiction setting set in the outer regions of the Solar System, where political solutions have to contend not only with human nature, but the limits of delta-V and orbital mechanics.

The ships and weapons of NEWTON’S CRADLE have been designed for simplicity, and the free AVID Assistant phone app makes Squadron Strike easy to play.

This product contains ships from three warring factions, plus two neutral parties, and builds a scenario narrative of the First Outer System War. Printed on the inside cover of this folio is a delta-V map of the Galilean Moons, used for the included Wung Jian’s War stand-alone wargame, covering the Europa-Callisto war.

Wung Jian’s War also works as a campaign game/scenario generator for making your own Squadron Strike scenarios in this setting!

Exile's Stars


Three hundred million refugees from across the globe fled Earth, running as far and as fast as they could. Equipped with nigh miraculous technology they can barely maintain, they’ve run headlong into new life and new civilizations.

Their new neighbors call themselves the Rulomani and have a society organized around a bewildering network of debts and obligations. To the Rulomani, everything is negotiable, and information comes at a price.

Humanity, styling itself the Interstellar League to conceal its refugee status, has accepted a lease of habitable worlds on the boundary of Rulomani space.

The League sent survey ships to explore. Several never returned. The Karthian Domains, a culture for whom aggression is the path to reincarnation, are wondering what these alien ships are doing on the worlds of their frontier.

With intrahuman social friction rising, the Interstellar League finds itself at war with the Karthians, and is mistrustful of its Rulomani patrons.

Humanity has much to learn in order to survive in EXILE’S STARS.

EXILE’S STARS is space opera about first contact, conflict between humans and aliens, and choices made with the survival of humanity at stake.