Birds of Prey: 2.0 Edition Play Aid & ADC Set


Birds of Prey: 2.0 Edition Play Aid & ADC Set


Birds of Prey 2.0 Edition Play Aid & ADC Set

Birds of Prey second edition is in active development, and the play aids and ADCs are being updated. This is a sneak preview of 9 ADCs (all from the boxed set) in their 2.0 configuration, along with 2.0 complaint play aids.

ADC List

MiG-15bis “Fagot-B”
F-86F Sabre (early, slatted)
MiG-21F-13 “Fishbed-C”
F-104A Starfighter
Mirage IIIC
F-4E Phantom II (early, unslatted)
F-16C Fighting Falcon block 30 (big-mouth)
F/A-18C Hornet (early)
MiG-29 9.12 “Fulcrum-A”

Play Aid List

Most of the play aids have gotten changes; some are significant.

Sequence of Play Card
Aircrew Tasks (The Pips Table has been moved to the E6BoP!)
Visual Sighting Aid Crew
G Effects Aid
IR Missile Sensors Aid
Radar Sensors Aid
Gun Combat Aid (signfiicant changes here)
Critical Hit/Effect Tables
Missile Launch Aids
Stalls & Departures Checklist
IRST/Misc Aids
Initiative Aid

This product is one set of ADCs and Play Aids. It does not have the interim rulebook; it’s here for people who are already comfortable with BoP 2.0, or who want to expand the Interim Rulebook bundle to four players.

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