Birds of Prey: E6BoP & 2.0 Playtest Flight Aids


Birds of Prey: E6BoP & 2.0 Playtest Flight Aids


Production E6BoP and Playtest Flight-Aid set

Birds of Prey second edition is in active development, shifting to an E6BoP circular ratio calculator flight aid that does the following:

Front Side

Converting KTAS to KEAS (Air Density scaled real unit of measure)
Calculating Mach effects.
Calculating a unit of energy used within the game called “Smash.”
Converting KEAS to Flight Points

It also lets you make the core aerodynamic calculations:
Air Speed changes from climbing and diving
Form drag effects as a function of aircraft design
Induced drag from turning your jet at the altitude you’re currently fighting at
Engine modeling, including throttle settings and altitude interactions. This change in particular is both more accurate than the 1.0 flight model and increases the types of aircraft the game can model, including some of the earlier engines on the earliest jets.
Missile energy calculations, governing how they perform when coming off the rail.

Back Side

The back side replaces the Pips table (which was ratio driven) and expands its use for less than optimal performance regimes.
Chording for heading changes/turning the jet
Tools for gravity effects

Currently being made in China, the E6BoPs we’ll be shipping are the final production versions.

The Flight Aids are 3 double sided sheets of cardstock (one set per E6BoP) that walk you through the steps of the Sequence of Play; they’re designed to be the guideposts for using the circular sliderules.

This product is 2 E6BoPs and 2 sets of flight aids. It does not have the interim rulebook; it’s here for people who are already comfortable with BoP 2.0, or who want to expand the Interim Rulebook bundle to four players.

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