Upcoming Convention Appearances

I will be at TotalCon this coming weekend - February 19-21st, demoing games and with product to sell.  Swing on by (www.totalcon.com) for a demo, to see the new tee shirts I've got in stock, or to chat for a while.  I'll be in the main hall at one of the sales and demo tables from 9 AM to 7 PM on Friday and Saturday, and from 9 AM to noon on Sunday.

I'll have previews of Squadron Strike: Axanar and Squadron Strike: Traveller available to look at, along with an assortment of products, including copies of Saganami Island Tactical Simulator and its supplements.

The following weekend, I'll be at Fire & Ice (www.fireandiceconvention.com) up in Manitowoc, WI - the setting for "The Making of a Murder" on Netflix, again, demoing products, having some to sell and hanging out to play games.

I look forward to seeing people at both conventions - feel free to swing by.